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5 hacks to get paid quicker by your large customers

It's a huge day when you win your first big customer contract - and certainly one to celebrate! However, bigger organisations, come with bigger considerations that you need to be aware of.  You should be prepared for dealing with big departments, rather than your original contacts and being presented with a standard terms of business to sign - which is usually non-negotiable.

The news might also come that you won't get paid for 3 months or even longer if you have to do the work first. It's not uncommon for larger customers to insist on 60-120 day payment terms. Sometimes there's nothing you can do but accept the terms, however there are a few things you can do to soften the impact and here they are!

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Revenue Forecast vs. Sales Pipeline – what’s the difference?

If you've ever managed a small business, no doubt at some point you've been asked to prepare a forecast, normally under the premise that the company's board or investors want to see some updated figures. 

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